============= Clockwork Knight 1 - Normal Mode Translations First Version: Late 2012 Last Updated: 2019.05.28 ============= Table of Contents ============= 1. Character Notes 2. Betsy's Room 3. Kevin's Room 4. Kitchen 5. Attic 6. Ending 7. Soltian Roulette (Bonus Stage) 8. Translation Credits 9. Copyright, etc ============ 1. Character notes ============ Sir Tongara de Pepperouchau III "Pepper", Barobaro his donkey, Prunchau (Pepper's valet, treats him like a boy), Sir Ginger (rival) Silver, Ginger's steed, snobby. Le Bon, Ginger's valet. Sir Oneon, Pepper's father thinking his family forsook him. Sir Garluch, Pepper's grandpa. Pa Zull Ginger's mentor. Soltia, crush on Pepper. Chelsea, wakes all toys every night at midnight. ==== 2. Betsy's Room ==== Betsy 1(1): た、た、大変です!ぼっちゃま!チェルシー様が何者かにさらわれてしまいました!いまこそ立ち上がるときですぞ! It's t-t-terrible! Young Master! Chelsea-sama got swept away by someone! Now is the time, the time to rise! さらう sweep, wash away, dredge いまこそ now is the time --- Betsy 1(2): 一発で倒せない敵は、気絶している時に攻撃ボタンを押したまま近づくと持つことができます!しかるのちボタンを放して投げつけるのです! About the enemies you can't bring down with one shot, once they faint it's possible to hold them if you get closer while the offense button is held! After doing that, release the button and you can throw them! 一発「いっぱつ」 one shot 倒す「たおす」 bring down; defeat; overthrow; cheat 敵「てき・かたき」 rival, enemy 気絶「きぜつ」 (to) faint 攻撃「こうげき」 attack; offensive; criticism しかるのち thereafter, after doing that 放す「はなす」 release, let go; add food to water --- Betsy 1(3): ぞろぞろやってくる敵も、気絶した敵をぶつけると、一度にけちらすことができますぞ!それぞ、大だんなさまが得意とした最強の技です! Even the enemies that turn up in groups. If you strike hard the fainted enemies, it is possible to kick and scatter them all at once! That, that is the great master's strongest and most proud technique! strike hard = throw something at them? ぞろぞろ in groups やって来る come around, turn up ぶつける「打付ける」 knock, nail on, strike hard, try an idea on someone 一度に all at once 蹴散らす・けちらす to kick and scatter about だんな master (house, shop), husband (informal), word for male customer, high status, sugar daddy, almsgiver 得意「とくい」 triumph, prosperity, pride, forte, frequent customer 技「わざ」 technique, art --- Betsy 2(1): おや、トンガラはんやおまへんか!あいかわらず、気合いが入ってあんな!ここは、そんなあんさんにうってつけの場所やさかいに、がんばってんか~! Oh, if it isn't Mr. Tongara! You've got that much fighting spirit as usual, huh! Since here is the ideal place for the likes of you, how can you not try your best~! * (関西弁) おや oh!, oh?, my! あいかわらず「相変らず」 the usual, as ever 気合い scream, fighting spirit あんさん you うってつけ ideal, most suitable さかい border, area, mindstate/because (kansai) --- Betsy 2(2): ...ここだけの話やけどな、このへんの積み木の中には、押したり引いたりできるのがあっらしいでっせ! ...Well this is only for here but in this area if you're in the middle of the building blocks, it's possible to push and pull them! 積み木 building blocks あっらしい --- Betsy 2(3): あんさんも、押せる積み木をうまく利用しなはれ! ...おっと、もちろん押すばっかりじゃあきまへん。「押してだめなら引いてみろ」でっせ! Even you should make good use of the building blocks you push! ...Oops, of course it's not just pushing. That is, "If pushing is no good, try pulling!" 積「つまり」 しなはれ おっと oops, sorry --- Betsy Boss(1): おめしがオネオんの息子トンガラか...。ワシの名はパ・ズ-ル。 ジンジャーからおめしのことは聞いておるぞ。 Is that Oneon's son Tongara...? My name is Pa Zur. I have heard things about you from Ginger. おめし summoning, clothing, silk crepe; high-quality silk crepe frabic 息子「むすこ」son, penis --- Betsy Boss(2): この先では、腹話術人形のダンヂィ.ボブが門番をしておる。おめしほどの男ならば、かならずやつを倒せるであろう。 Beyond this point, the ventriloquist doll Dandy Bob acts as gate keeper. As long as it is no man but you, he can definitely be defeated. 腹話術「ふくわじゅつ」 ventriloquism 人形「にんぎょう」 doll 門番「もんばん」 gate keeper --- Betsy Boss(3): ただし油断してはなるぬ!やつが倒れても決して攻撃の手をゆるめるな。ころんでいる間に弱らせておかねば、やつは何度も立ち上がってくるぞ! However, may you not be negligent! Even if he is taken down, never slow down your attack. If he is not weakened the moment he falls down, he will always rise up again! ぬ after -nai, negation; archaic: completion ただし but, however, provided that 油断「ゆだん」 negligence, unpreparedness. 決して never [do X], by no means, decidedly, indisputably ゆるめる「緩める」 to loosen, slow down ころぶ「転ぶ」 to fall down, over --- Betsy Boss alt(1): おや、トンガラ、ごきげにょう!よくこの場所がわかったね...。きみもなかなかやるもんだな! Oh Tongara, how are you! You understand this place pretty well, huh... You're doing quite well! ごきげにょう/ご機嫌よう how do you do/farewell --- Betsy Boss alt(2): そうだ!きみのその勇気をたたえてボスのすみかに銅のネジを置いておこう!苦しくなったら、これを使いたまえ! Right! Fill your courage to the brim while I put this copper key in the boss' room for you to use! If you start to hurt, please use it! (Context from Ritz: When you take the secret exits in stages proceeding boss stages, copper keys (health) spawn on the boss maps) 勇気「ゆうき」 courage, nerve, boldness, valor たたえる「湛える」 fill to the brim, express an emotion 苦しい「くるしい」 painful, difficult, straitened (circumstances), forced (smile), strained, lame (excuse), awkward, painful (position), after -masu: hard to do, unpleasant ==== 3. Kevin's Room ==== Kevin 1(1): ぽっちゃま!よくぞご無事で...。ここから先の道はけわしいですぞ。ですが、ここの 住人たちの力をか借りればきっと乗りこえることができます。 Young Master! How wonderfully you've worked for peace... The road gets steeper from here on out. But, so long as you borrow strength from the household residents, it's possible to overcome anything. よくぞ (polite) how skillfully, how wonderfully 無事「ぶじ」 safety, peace, quiet けわしい「険しい」 precipitous, inaccessible, grim, severe ですが but, however, and yet, nevertheless 乗り越える climb over, overcome, surpass --- Kevin 1(2): ただし、このあたりのおもちゃどもは、電池とかいうものがなければ動くこともできないのです。どうか電池を入れてやることをお忘れなく。 So, the Toys nearby can't move if they don't have this thing called a battery. Please don't forget this thing about inserting the battery. 電池 battery どうか please, somehow --- Kevin 1(3): ゼンマイさえ巻けばいつまでも動けるぽっちゃまの一族にくらべて、やはり新顔はだらしがありませんな。では、お気をつけて...。 Compared to your family which can move forever so long as your clockwork works, newcomers are really careless aren't they. Well take care... ゼンマイ royal fern/wind-up 巻く「まく」 wind, coil, roll いつまでも forever 一族 family, relatives, dependents, household 新顔 newcomer だらしない slovenly, loose, sluttish, untidy, undisciplined, careless --- Kevin 2(1): おや、トンガラはん。おひさしぶるでんな~!ひとつ、あんさんにとっておきの話を教えたりまひょか。 Oh, Tongara. It's been a while~! First, shall I teach you something valuable? あんさん you とっておき valued; the best; object held in reserve とっておく set aside, keep in reserve, hold on to --- Kevin 2(2): 電車に乗ってくと、ふみきりがとおせんぼしよるけどな、あれは剣でつっつけば通れるようになるんや。忘れたらあきまへんで! Should you take the train, the crossing gates are blocking the way, but if you poke them with your sword you'll be able to pass. Don't forget! ふみきり railway crossing; starting line; determination; stepping over sumo ring edge とおせんぼう stand/block in the way 剣「けん・つるぎ」 sword つっつく「突っ突く」 poke (repeatedly lightly), nudge, peck, pick at, peck at faults, egg on あきまへん no good, unacceptable --- Kevin 2(3): それとな、電車のひとつに乗ってくとおもちゃのそうじ機がありまんねん。あれ、実はね...おっと、またいらんことしゃべるところやったわ。 What's more, if you board one of the trains, there is a toy-vacuum cleaner. The truth is... oops, I almost said an unnecessary thing again. * nen is Kansaiben ありまんねん それと and then, even then, so --- Kevin Boss(1): まあトンガラちゃん!よくここまでたどりついたわね~!パパはとってもうれしいわよ! Well, Tongara-chan! You've done well to finally get this far~! Papa is very happy! たどりつく「辿り着く」 struggle on to, arrive after a strugle, barely manage to reach, finally hit on an idea --- Kevin Boss(2): この先には、いや~な敵がいるのよ!ダブル・ジェッタ-とかいうロボットで、新発売だからってやたらいばってるの! Just ahead of here there's a ba~ad enemy! It's a robot called Double Jetter. It's excessively proud because it's a new product! 新発売「しんはつばい」 new model/product やたら「矢鱈」 at random, thoughtlessly, recklessly, excessively, impulsively いばる「威張る」 be proud, swagger --- Kevin Boss(3): やつが落としてくる敵を持ち上げてぶつけてやればイチコロよ!ペパルーチョ家の名にかけてあいつをやっつけるのよ!いいわね! If you pick up and hit him with the enemies he drops, he'll easily lose! In the name of the Pepperouchau family, you should finish him off! Oh yeah! イチコロよ 「いちころ, 一ころ」 trouncing; losing easily, being beaten hands down. 「やっつける」 遣っ付ける beat, attack, do away with, finish off わね using "wa ne (or wa nee)" instead of just "ne" (which is more masculine/neutural) adds emphasis to a sentence, but in a feminine way (see http://www.epochrypha.com/japanese/materials/genderspecific/) --- Kevin Boss alt(1): おや、トンガラ、ごきげんよう!ケビンの部屋のボスを知っているかい?どうもそうとう手ごわいらしいよ。 Oh Tongara, nice to see you again! Do you know Kevin's Room's boss? He's considerably tough. ごきげんよう「御機嫌よう」 nice to meet you; farewell 手ごわい difficult, stubborn --- Kevin Boss alt(2): 勇気あるきみのことだからだいじょうぶだろうが、万一のためにこっそりボスのすみかに銅のネジを置いておくよ!がんばってくれ! Because you are courageous you should be okay, but in an unlikely event, I've secretly left a copper key in the corner of the boss' room! Do your best for me! 勇気「ゆうき」 courage, boldness 万一 emergency, unlikely event; by some chance こっそり secretly, stealthily ==== 04. Kitchen ==== Kitchen 1(1): ぽっちゃま!このキッチンはつるつるすべりますので、注意が必要ですぞ!なにかすべり止めでも置いてあれば、話は別ですが...。 Young Master! This kitchen is very slippery and you'll slide, so it's important to be careful! Though if there's something that stops you from slipping, that's a different story... つるつる slippery, smooth すべります「滑る・辷る」 glide, slide, slip; fail an exam, bomb a joke; drop, fall in status --- Kitchen 1(2): さらに、ここにはガスコンロとかいう恐ろしいものがあり、あらゆるものを焼きつくす炎を出すとのこと。どうかお気をつけください。 Furthermore, here there's some terrifying thing called a gas range. When the flame comes out, it burns everything to dust. Please, take care. さらに「更に」 furthermore, after all, moreover ガスコンロ gas range 恐ろしい「おそろしい」 terrible, terrifying, frightened; surprising, amazing あらゆる all, every つくす「尽くす」 exhaust, run out; devote, serve a person, befriend; do to exhaustion 炎「ほのお」 flame, blaze --- Kitchen 1(3): ですが、なにか炎をさえぎるものをうまく使えば、安全に通れると思います。騎士たるもの、時には頭を働かせねばなりませんぞ。 Although, if you keenly use something which obstructs the flame, I think you can proceed in safety. At that time, you should put your head to work like a knight should. さえぎる「遮る」 interrupt, intercept, obstruct 安全「あんぜん」 (na) safety, security たる to be sufficient 働かせる put someone to work, make someone work --- Kitchen 2(1): トンガラはん!あんさんの一族も水は苦手でっしゃろ。水につかるとあっという間にゼンマイがさびついてしまいまっからな~! Mr. Tongara! Your family's weakpoint is water. If you are submerged in water, then in the blink of an eye, your wind-up key will end up rusted togetherrr~! つかる「浸かる・漬かる」 pickled, well seasoned; submerged, soaked; totally immersed in a condition あっと in a surprising way あっという間に just like that (the time to say "ah!"), in blink of an eye さびつく「錆び付く」 rust together --- Kitchen 2(2): 水道の上で飛びはねてる敵が、流しに水をためてるらしいんやけど...。あいつを倒すには、いったいどうすればいいんでっしゃろ? Above the faucet are hopping enemies, but it seems the water collects in the sink... How the heck can you defeat those guys? enemies on the faucet 水道「すいどう」 water supply 跳び跳ねる「とびはねる」 to hop, jump up and down 流し「ながし」 sink (no), crusing (taxi) ためる「溜める」 amass, accumulate, store; leave unpaid 「撓める」 bend, train a branch 「矯める」 straighten, correct, cure; falsify 「貯める」 save in a bank いったい「一体」...the heck?, one object, unity, one form, one Buddhist image, generally 「一帯」 region, zone, whole place 「一隊」 party, gang, company, squad --- Kitchen 2(3): なんとか、流しの水を抜くことができれば、うちのご主人さまも楽できるしなあ...。いやいや、こっちの話ですわ。 If you can somehow unplug the sink's water, even the father of the house should rest at ease... No, no, I'm talking to myself. 抜く「ぬく」 extract, omit, overtake, unplug (suffix), do something to the end, ejaculate (after fapping) こっちの話 talking to oneself --- Kitchen Boss(1): 愛するものを救わんとする騎士にこのパ・ズ-ルがささやかな助言を与えよう。ブリキの胸にしっかりときざみこんでおくがよい! For the knight trying to rescue his beloved, this "Pa Zur" provides some modest advice. You should firmly engrave it onto your tin plate chest! 救う「すくう」 rescue from, help out of, save ささやかな「細やか」 meager, modest 助言「じょげん」 advice, suggestion ブリキ tin plate 胸「むね」 bosom, chest しっかり「確り・聢り」 firmly, tightly, reliable, level-headed, steady きざみこん「刻み込む」 etch name, carve design --- Kitchen Boss(2): キッチンの主であるシェフ・ド・ポポットの中には、実は空気しか入っておらぬ。やつが倒れたらすかさず何度も攻撃するがよい。 The truth is, inside the kitchen master Chef de Popot, there is nothing but air. When he falls, without a moment's delay you should attack him many times over. 中には some (of them); among (them) すかさず「透かさず・隙かさず」 without a moment's delay --- Kitchen Boss(3): そうすれば空気がふき出し、やつの力はかならず弱まるはず...。では行くがよい、若き騎士よ! If you do that, the air will blow out and his strength should definitely weaken.... Now go, young knight! ふく「吹く」 blow, play a wind instrument; emit, spout, whistle 若き「わかき」 young person, youth, young --- Kitchen Boss alt(1): やあ、トンガラ!ごきげんよう。どうやら、流しの水を抜くことができたらしいね! Yo, Tongara! Nice to see you. Somehow or other, it seems you unplugged the sink water, huh! やあ yo! Wow! どうやら it seems like, appears that, somehow or other --- Kitchen Boss alt(2): きみは、勇気だけではなく知恵にもめぐまれているらしいな!そうそう、さっきボスのすみかにこっそり銅のネジを置いてきたよ! You aren't just blessed with courage alone, but wisdom too! Yes, yes, I secretly put the copper key in the boss' room for you some time ago! 知恵「ちえ」 wisdom, sagacity; prajna めぐまれて「恵まれる」 be blessed with, rich in, abound in そうそう busy, hurried, rushed; hurriedly, in haste --- Kitchen Boss alt(3): きみの戦いの助けになると思ってね。きみなら、きっとあいつをやっつけることができるだろう。がんばってくれたまえ! I'm thinking it'll become helpful in your battle. If it's you, you can definitely finish him off. Please do your best! ==== 05. Attic ==== Attic 1(1): ぼっちゃま!この先には、ぽっちゃまを苦しめる大じかけが待ちうけているようです!残念ながらその正体はわかりませんが...。 Young Master! It seems the big machine that's been tormenting you is waiting just ahead! It's a shame, I don't know its true form... 苦しめる「くるしめる」torment/harass/give pain じかけ「仕掛け」 device, mechanism 待ちうける expecting, being ready to wait うける receive, get; catch a ball; be struck by wind waves light; sustain damage, feel influence; undergo surgery, take a test, accept a challenge; be given life, talent; follow, succeed, descended from; to face south; be modifed by; obtain a pawned item by paying a fee; be well-received, become popular 正体「しょうたい」 one's true colors; one's senses --- Attic 1(2): このあたりに住んでいる敵の中には、爆弾のように爆発するものがいるとか。やつらの爆発にまきこまれないように気をつけなければなりませんぞ。 There's something that blows up like a bomb or something inside some of the enemies that live in this area. You should take care that you don't get engulfed in their explosions. there are bomb enemies; don't stand next to them?? wooden boxes over spikes they can blow up 敵「てき・あた」enemy 爆弾「ばくだん」 bomb 爆発「ばくはつ」 explode とか among other things; or something like that やつら those guys 巻込む to roll up; to involve; to enfold; to swallow up; to drag into -> (pass.) まきこまれる --- Attic 1(3): うわさによると、チェルシーさまはこの屋根裏のどこかにとらわれているそうです。ぽっちゃま、もうひと息ですぞ! According to rumor, Chelsea-sama has been taken prisoner somewhere in this attic. Young master, there's only a little more left! うわさ rumor ひと息「いき」 one breath; pause; small amount 捕われる・とらわれる to be taken prisoner, arrested; seized with fear --- Attic 2(1): トンガラはん。屋根裏はゴチャゴチャしてるさかいに見つかるもんも見つかりまへんな~!よう注意して進まなあきまへんで! Mr. Tongara. Because the attic is all mixed up, you can't find the things you normally can~! Be very careful and continue on! ゴチャゴチャ small details さかい because もん gate; thing; the natural thing; expresses emotional involvement, gives reason; person (rarely without qualifier) よう「善う・能う・良う」 well, properly, skillfully; often 進む「すすむ」 advance, go forward; precede, go ahead of; make progress, improve; deepen, heighten; do of one's own free will あきまへん no good, unacceptable --- Attic 2(2): なんせ、このへんは秘密の出入口だらけや。気をつけんと、いつまでもおんなじところぐるぐる回るはめになりまっせ! At any rate, this area is crazily filled with secret entrances and exits. If you're not careful, you'll end up circling around and round the very same place forever! なんせ at any rate 秘密「ひみつ」secret だらけ full of mistakes, covered with bad 何時までも forever ぐるぐる round and round はめ fucking, difficult/awkward situation, mess; panel, wainscotting 羽目になる to end up with something unpleasant --- Attic 2(3): そや!ご主人さまから伝言やで。「入口と出口のつながり方をよく覚えておきたまえ」言うとったわ!ほな、がんばってな! Right! There's a message from your father. He said: "Please memorize how the entrances and exits are connected"! Well then, good luck! そや (sou da) rude, rough 伝言「でんごん」verbal message/rumor 繋がり「つながり」 connection つむ「積む] pile up, stack, load, pack [摘む] pluck, pick, trim [詰む」 become fine まう「舞う」 to dance, whirl; flutter about; see furumae ほな well then ---- Attic Boss(1): トンガラちゃん、よく聞いてね…。この先にいるのは、鋼鉄のゼンマイ巨人アイアンコングX!大きくて強くてこわ~い怪物なの! Tongara-chan, listen well okay... Right after this is the clockwork steel giant, Iron Kong X! It's a big, strong, scaaa~ry monster! *picture* 鋼鉄「こうてつ」steel ぜんマイ「発条・撥条」 spring (coil, leaf); mainspring; power spring 巨人「きょじん」 giant 怪物「かいぶつ」monster ---- Attic Boss(2): でも、実はね...あいつの頭はかざりでついてるだけなの!頭が体からはずれたら、それを持ち上げて投げつけることができるはずよ! Well, you see... It's head is attached only as a decoration! If it's head gets detached from it's body, you should be able to pick it up and throw it! 持ち上げる elevate 投げつける throw at, throwdw ---- Attic Boss(3): わたしたちと同じゼンマイじかけのくせに、悪いことするなんてぜ~ったいゆるせない!かならず勝ってね、トンガラちゃん! In spite of being the same clockwork as us, doing bad things is absoluuu~tely unacceptable! Definitely win, Tongara-chan! ぜんマイじかけ 「発条仕掛け」clockwork; spring action くせ habit, mannerism, wrinkle; improper; salvation くせに in spite of, and yet ゆるせる make permit 勝「かつ」win --- Attic Boss alt(1): トンガラ!きみのことだ、きっとここのボスともひとりで戦うつもりだろう。同じ騎士として、手助けさせてもらおうと思ってね。 Tongara! This is quite like you, to plan on fighting even this place's boss by yourself. As a fellow knight, I'm thinking I should lend you my help. きっと most likely (90%) 騎士「きし」 knight 手助け「てたすけ」 help --- Attic Boss alt(2): ぼくがこっそりボスのすみかに銅のネジを置いておくから、いざというときに使ってくれたまえ。それでは、幸運をいのる! I stealthily placed a copper key in the boss' dwelling, so when things get desperate, please use it. With that, I pray you have good luck! throw keys at doors to open them こっそり secretly すみか dwelling 銅「あかがね」 copper ネジ screw; clock key/spring いざという時 when important, in a pinch 幸運「こううん」 good luck いのる pray ==== 6. Ending ==== Ending (1): ‥‥しかし、‥‥ ...However,.... しかし however, but --- Ending (2): チェルシーは目をさまさない‥‥ Chelsea will not wake up.... 目をさまさない will not wake up, eyes won't open ==== 7. Soltian Roulette (Bonus Stage) ==== Soltian (1): あらトンガラ! まってたのよ♥ さっそくはじめましょう♥ Oh, Tongara! I've been waiting♥ Let's get started right away♥ Soltian (2): クラウンは3枚はでかけられるけどどうする? You can play 3 crowns, but what will you do? Soltian (3): 「ぼっちゃん!堅実に1枚ですぞ!」 - 「2枚くらいにしとけば?」 - 「トンガラさん男なら3枚でっせ!」 - 「ゲームをやめる」 [Young Master! Steadily do just 1 piece!] - [How about 2 pieces?] - [If you're a man, Tongara, then let's do 3 pieces!] - [Leave the Game] Soltian (4): それでは!! ルーレット・スタート! Well, then!! Roulette Start! Soltian (5): OK!方向ボタンの←→で ボックスを選んで、Cボタンで決めてちょうだい。いい? OK! Select a box by pressing the ←→ directional buttons, and then press the C button to confirm it. Alright? Soltian (6): 「続けて当てると2倍」 「はぼれると全部パァ」 のダブルアップ・チャンス! ! [Pick correctly again to win double] or [Pick wrongly and lose it all] with Double or Nothing!! Soltian (7): 「男なら当然!「続ける」で勝負でっせ!」 - 「ここは堅実に「やめとく」ですぞ!」 [Of course, I am a man! Let's play on by "Continuing"!] - [Let's steadily "Stop" here!] Soltian (8): 運も実力のうちってね♥ Luck is also one of your abilities♥ Soltian (9): ぼっちゃま〜 ううっ… ! Young Master~ Ouch...! Soltian (10): もう帰るのー?クラウンをあつめてまた来てね♥ Leaving already~? Gather Crowns and please come again♥ ============= 8. Translation credits ============= Everything from "Betsy (1)" to "Attic Boss Alt(2)" transcribed and translated by Chronoon (AKA MegaChromeOmen). --- Everything from "Ending (1)" to "Soltian (10)" transcribed and translated by Peter O'Hanlon (Tongara). --- Transcription/translation correction for "Betsy 1(1)", "Betsy 2(2)", "Betsy 2(3)", "Betsy Boss(1)", "Kevin 1(1)", "Kevin 1(2)", "Kevin 2(3)", "Kevin Boss(3)", "Kevin Boss alt(2)", "Kitchen 2(1)", "Kitchen Boss(1)", "Kitchen Boss(2)", "Attic 1(1)", "Attic 1(3), "Attic 2(2)", "Attic Boss(1)" and "Attic Boss(3)" by Peter O'Hanlon (Tongara) --- Context assistance for Betsy Boss Alt(2) by Ritz (AKA OssiferousRex/FUNKVESSEL/Prinsdam), who was a good boy throughout. ============= 8. Copyright, etc ============= This document and the translation contained within is Copyright © 2012 Clockwork Knight.com. You are free to use it, but please remember to credit us if you do so, as a lot of hard work went into it. And hey, if you do end up using it, why not let us know? We're always interested in Clockwork Knight fan projects, etc~